Apr 28, 2022
I dive into the anti-biohacking and anti-gut health advocates and my thoughts on these ideas. I also share some biohacking basics that you can get started with right away if you are new to biohacking.
I talk about:
02:30 - The article about anti-biohacking
05:00 - Criticisms on biohacking
10:00 - Being realistic...
Apr 21, 2022
Do you cringe hearing your own voice? Way uses your own voice to create tracks that help balance your emotions and empower you to regulate your nervous system. Jane Jourdan, the co-founder and CEO of way joins the podcast this week.
Your voice is the foundation for self-guided healing and growth. Science reveals that...
Apr 14, 2022
We talk about one of the most ignored elements in our life - lighting. Whether it's sunlight, the lights in your house, or at work, lights are everywhere around us, and we often don’t realize how much they can impact our health.
Talia Ram from Lumiram joins me to discuss why lighting is essential for our health and...
Apr 7, 2022
Do you think about phthalates and BPAs when you do grocery shopping? Maybe you should. Today, we talk about chemicals and toxin exposure through our choices every day with Jenna Hua, the founder of Million Marker.
Jenna’s extensive experience as an academic and health advocate led to her founding Million Marker in...