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Biohacking with Brittany

Apr 11, 2023

Are you looking for a wedding checklist so you can look and feel your best on your wedding day? Or is a friend or a loved one having their wedding soon? Then this episode was made for you!

Today I am diving into all things wedding wellness and beauty treatments. I’m going to outline everything that I did in order...

Apr 7, 2023

Are you experiencing difficult periods or interested in pregnancy biohacking?

I am now back from Costa Rica! In this Q&A podcast, I talk about going through your period without pain and discomfort, optimizing your sleep, pregnancy biohacking, healthy fruit choices that don’t cause inflammation or sugar spikes, how to...

Mar 31, 2023

What do your genes tell about you? What is epigenetics and can you reverse it? I have Brontë with me this week to talk about epigenetics and why it’s important for your health.

Brontë is the visionary behind The Gene Hacker brand. She is a Functional Registered Dietitian certified in nutrigenomics with...

Mar 24, 2023

Are you or a loved one dealing with a chronic illness? Or do you feel that something’s wrong with your health but can’t find what it is even after seeing so many doctors and specialists? Find out the root causes of chronic illness, how to be healthier by using holistic methods, the biggest roadblock to following...

Mar 17, 2023

Do you feel that you are not getting enough sleep? Or do you still feel tired after waking up from sleep?

I have Matt Gallant with me today to talk about his sleep journey, improving the quality of your sleep, sleep hacks, and other things that can help you sleep better and feel energized when you wake up.
